General news
This year at the OT show, the ILC Therapists were very busy and found lots of new innovations, as well as recapping on...
18 December |
General news
This year’s ILC Smart Home Event was a great success! Over the course of three days, 207 attendees participated, marking a 25% increase...
27 November |
General news
Posture Care The Independent Living Centre’s visit to De Wingerd- Specialist Dementia Care Home in Belgium Background: The ILC...
19 September |
General news
The Occupational Therapy (OT) show is an exciting yearly event for us at the ILC as it is an opportunity for us to...
28 November |
General news
Are you a member of staff working for, or alongside, NHS or Social Care in Devon, wanting to find out more about Pressure...
05 May |
General news
Many activities of daily living can be challenging when living with mobility problems or health conditions. Often the smallest things can make the...
15 November |
General news
Our first-ever interactive smart home event was a huge success reaching 174 NHS and DCC professionals, students, and members of the public over...
03 November |
General news
We are excited to have in our centre the Q300 Mid-wheel drive power chair from Sunrise Medical. Often prescribed by Exeter Mobility Centre,...
11 October |
General news
Remap is a charity that custom-makes equipment to help people with health conditions or disabilities live more independent lives. If someone has a...
04 October |
General news
Some of our ILC Therapists have recently attended Jo De Clercq’s training on ‘Therapeutic Positioning and Dementia Care’. Jo is a Belgian physiotherapist...
28 September |
General news